Saturday, November 14, 2009

and here we go!

today was a rotten day. had some very crabby babies. hayden cuddled with daddy this morning watching cartoons. it was an adorably rare occurance that he can hold still long enough to lay together like that. they certainly looked sweet tho. miss addie was a ball of sass and didn't want to share her mommy today. all of a sudden, pushing has become acceptable to them. the twins have begun wrestling with eachother. it's too freggin cute, but scares me half to death that someone will get suffocated or break an arm. especially considering hayden is a good 8 lbs bigger than addie! i think they are all 3 getting sick again. adriana is pulling at her ears (can't wait for our appt with the ent on the17th!), hayden is super crabby, and trinity is sleeping a lot.

adriana decided to feed the baby her baba today. what a big helper. she also tried to put a pair of socks on trinity while she sat in the bumbo. trinity was a good sport about itall. i can't wait until they can play dollies and stuff together.

trinity has decided that instead of going to sleep at night while i bounce her in her bouncer, she is going to lay there looking at mommy and laughing. little stinker already knows exactly how cute she is!

hayden has a new obsession with light switches. he can climb on the the back of the sofa and turn the living room light on and off. he thinks this is hilarious. daddy does not. haha. he is learning new ways around things. i was switching laundry in the laundry room and since he knows he isn't allowed past the doorway, he laid down on the floor in the doorway so his bottom half was in the hallway and his top half was in the laundry room and was rubbing his hands on the carpet laughing at me, so proud to have beaten the system!

miss addie has been wearing daddy's crocs all around the house today. nevermind the fact they are as long as she is almost! she's so proud to wear 'big people shoes.' i can't wait until she gets her new dress up shoes for christmas. she will be the kind of girl who wants to wear them everywhere.

both of the twins packed their book bags on wheels with 'necessities' (old cell phones, fake keys, sunglasses, pretend lipstick for addie, and a baby mp3 player for hayden) and ran around pushing them in the kitchen saying 'bye mama! bye!' it doesn't get any more precious. i can't to meet my little trinity's personality, but for now i will enjoy all my baby cuddles she will give me!

guess it wasn't such a rotten day after all....more like a gift from God!

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