Monday, August 9, 2010

love you forever, like you for always

So it's already been since december since i've blogged? well, i'm pretty sure i did once since then, but it got all kerplooey and i gave up before i saved it. so daddy has left last friday (11 days ago)for camp shelby before deploying to afghanistan and we already miss him like nobody's business. we get to talk to him on the phone usually every day for now, but it just doesn't seem enough. hayden wakes up and cries at the door for daddy. they all steal my phone and get excited when they see his picture on the screen. they point and scream 'daddy!' and insist i keep looking at it. i love those lil buggers and that big bugger.
Our goodbye was a super sad day. pretty much devastated me. none of the babies wanted to sit still that long and they wanted a nap. they just didn't get what was happening, until daddy got on the bus. then poor hayden cried because he wanted to go bye bye with daddy. he tried to run to the bus and said 'love you!' then he kept going up to a poor guy in uniform cuz he thought it was daddy. the guy had to pick hayden up for him to realize it wasn't his daddy. talk about heartbreaking.

miss addie lynn as usual was the sass of the bunch. she sure loves her daddy and misses him so much. she cries for daddy every time she sits in time out or gets in trouble at all. she's been acting out a lot which is sad because she's just so darn sweet & daddy's little pricness.
miss trinity has just grown by leaps and bounds in a matter of a week. she can climb into her walker all by herself. she walks around the house 'looking' for dada. she learned to say dada just daddy left and it was perfect timing. only days before he left we went to pick the babies up from the babysitter and i picked her up and she looked over my shoulder, saw daddy, smiled huge and said 'dada!' what a precious little baby. i hope she remembers how much her daddy loves her and that she's his little princess always!

So we've had quite a busy little mess out of life since daddy left. We've kept so busy that the house is in shambles, and so is mommy's sanity. We went to the fair (the first one ever for all 3 babies), went swimming, and baked pies and cookies. We sent daddy a package with a wireless internet adapter for his laptop and got us a webcam so as soon as he gets it, we can video chat! tomorrow we will have our first adventure with play-doh which will be great fun! can't believe this is our first time getting around to it. so, another update another day. for now....goodnite daddy. we love you to the moon and back always and forever! *muah*

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